Why You Feel Underappreciated at Work

Despite working hard and meeting our goals, sometimes it’s not clear why we aren’t getting ahead at work. In the absence of strong feedback, we may begin to feel underappreciated or undervalued. While leaders and managers can help boost employee morale by bridging communication gaps around performance, it can be frustrating to wait for that change to happen. What can you do to empower yourself in this situation? Begin by figuring out the unique circumstances that are contributing to your feelings of underappreciation. In some cases, you may be making false assumptions that are exacerbating your negative emotions or leading you down the wrong path of action. You may need to course correct to move in the right direction.

Do you ever feel underappreciated or undervalued at work? If you answered “yes,” then you’re one of many. In a recent survey of over 1000 full-time employees in the United States, more than a half of respondents reported feeling only somewhat valued (46.4%) or not valued at all (10.7%) by their organization.

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