Welcome back to Whatcha Reading! This is where we talk about what we’ve been reading, if you couldn’t have guessed.
Lara: Still Murderbot ( A | BN | K | AB ) and I could not be more happy about it! May it last forever!
Sarah: I mentioned this in the post for Election Day but I saved three Richard Osman books and didn’t know what I was saving them for. Now I know!
I think I’m starting with the new one We Solve Murders. ( A | BN | K | AB )
Shana: I was reading Wicked Games by Maureen Smith ( A | BN ) but the book became a DNF when the heroine was described as having pouty pussy lips. Beauty expectations are getting out of hand when women are not only expected to have bee-stung lips on our faces. Apparently now our vulvas have to make a perfect moue too.
Sarah: I’m sorry what.
Pouty? Can she move them? Are they prehensile??
Shana: I just checked and phrase was actually pouty pussy folds. I think that may be worse…
Elyse: I’m in my cozy mystery era. I just finished Death by Bubble Tea ( A | BN | K | AB ) which is set in a LA night market and made me so so hungry.
Now I’m reading Pony Confidential and half the book is from this perspective of this grumpy, ungovernable pony and I love it.
Sneezy: I think I mentioned this one before: Want to See My Cat?
It’s a wonderful comfort read and I’m really enjoying the humour.
So whatcha reading right now? And if you aren’t currently reading because *gestures to everything*, how else are you passing the time?
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