Tuesday Morning Minute

Good morning, and welcome to RedState’s “Morning Minute” — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 


Pro-Hamas Agitators Whine Like Babies When Jews They Attacked Turn the Table on Them

With the heightened awareness that no one is coming to save them, the Jewish people of Los Angeles and elsewhere will increasingly take action into their own hands to protect their lives and their synagogues.

Another One Bites the Dust: Adam Carolla Blasts Newsom As ‘Slippery Eel of Nothingness’ As He Exits CA

As Adam Carolla embarks on a new chapter outside of California, his story poignantly reminds us of the profound impact that governance and policy can have on people’s lives and choices.

HOT TAKES: Joe Biden Urged to ‘Sit Down’ After Whopper Told About Women’s Rights and Trump

The Biden campaign’s push for women voters comes at a time when polling averages over a six-month timeframe show Biden’s support among women slipping enough to cause him nightmares.


Today on Capitol Hill…

Still a quiet week for the critters, with only two meetings set for Tuesday: 

  • House Rules — Appropriations for Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
  • House Energy and Commerce — Examining Anti-Doping Measures in Advance of the 2024 Olympics

White House What’s Up

President Joe Biden’s still holed up at Camp Debate Prep. as the anticipation of Thursday’s face-off with former President Donald Trump builds. Which reminds me…need to stock up on the popcorn and booze.

Full Court Press…

The prosecution and Trump defense team are back in court today in the Southern District of Florida to argue yet another motion before Judge Aileen Cannon. This one is Trump’s Motion for Relief Relating to the Mar-a-Lago Raid and Unlawful Piercing of the Attorney-Client Privilege and will undoubtedly be fascinating. Unfortunately, portions of it are sealed due to the need for grand jury secrecy, and information that is/should be protected by the attorney-client privilege. Rest assured, though, we’ll report on anything of note from today’s proceedings, including any of the attorneys getting crosswise with the judge. 

Watch That Tone: Judge Aileen Cannon Scolds Prosecutor
During Hearing in Classified Docs Case

Of Primary Concern

More primary races Tuesday: We’ve got Colorado, New York, Utah, and a Republican runoff election in South Carolina’s Third Congressional District. Speaking of popcorn, you may want some for this evening’s returns (although with New York, it may be August before there’s any finality). We’ll bring you those live results, as well. 


Not going to lie: I’m like a kid in a candy store this week between the hearings in the classified documents case, the debate, and three Supreme Court decision handdown days. Forgive me if I’m a bit scattered (more so than usual). It’s a lot to soak in. 


Shoutout to the STL! 

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