Spring Flowers Paper Collage Art Project for Kids

Spring Flowers Paper Collage Art Project for Kids

School-aged kids will learn about paper collage through this fun spring-themed project. Our basic techniques can easily be used at home or in the classroom.

Create colorful Spring Paper Collages!

Recycling through Paper Collage

Creating paper collage is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about recycling in a fun and unique way. Kids will see that they can create art by tearing up brightly colored paper and rearranging the scraps into new shapes and designs. In today’s project, we will be recycling pages from an old book, dictionary, and catalog.

Related: Recycle Dictionary Pages by drawing art directly onto the page.

Supplies Needed to Make This Spring Flowers Paper Collage Art Project 

spring flower paper collage supplies include scrap paper, acrylic paint, glue, and permanent marker - kids activities blog
Some basic art supplies are needed for this collage project
  • Scrap Paper
  • Cardstock – or other heavy body paper
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Permanent Marker
  • Scissors

If Not Using Colored Paper Scraps:

  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Water
  • Paper Towels
  • Paint Palette

Directions to Make A Spring Flowers Paper Collage

Step 1

step 1 - painting dictionary page with purple acrylic paint - kids activities blog
Paint Scrap paper in various colors

Skip this step if using colored paper scraps.

First, paint scrap paper with acrylic paint to create colored paper for your collage. Create multiple pages of various colors. Set aside to dry.

Step 2

step 2 - using a pencil to sketch a drawing of tulips on cardstock - kids activities blog
Roughly sketch spring flowers on cardstock

Roughly sketch a spring flower design onto cardstock.

Step 3

step 3 - tearing collage paper into smaller pieces - kids activities blog
tear collage paper into smaller pieces

Then, tear dry collage paper into smaller pieces of various shapes and sizes.

Step 4

step 4 - gluing blue paper scraps onto cardstock - kids activities blog
Glue paper scraps onto background portion of your design

Begin collage by gluing paper scraps onto the background portion of your design. We want to work from the back layers of the design to the front layer.

Step 5

step 5 - adding a second layer of collage paper to flower design - kids activities blog
add a second layer of collage paper to your flower design

Next, add a second layer of collage paper to your design.

Step 6

step 6 - adding more layers to the spring flower collage - kids activities blog
continue to add layers until collage is complete

Then, continue to add layers to your collage until it is complete.

Step 7

step 7 - using a permanent marker to define and outline spring flowers on collage - kids activities blog
outline collage with permanent marker

When glue is dry, outline and define spring flower design with permanent marker.

Step 8

step 8 - using scissors to cut off excess collage scraps around the edge of the paper - kids activities blog
use scissors to tidy edges of collage

Lastly, use scissors to cut off excess collage scraps to tidy the edges.

Finished Spring Flowers Paper Collage Art Project

completed spring flower collages using paper scraps, acrylic paint, glue and permanent marker - kids activities blog
Our completed spring flower collage masterpieces!

I love the bright colors used in these spring collages! Since these projects are made on paper, they are easily framed, clipped, or displayed in your preferred style with your seasonal decorations. 

Our Experience Making this Spring Flowers Paper Collage Art Project

We had fun exploring the art of paper collage. It was a good opportunity to recycle old paper scraps into something new. By sketching the design first, we were better able to plan our placement of scrap paper. We were also able to use less scraps since we weren’t wasting pieces that would eventually be hidden by other layers. Lastly I love how the permanent marker outline tidied up our design and really made the flowers pop.

Prep Time
5 minutes

Active Time
30 minutes

Total Time
35 minutes


Estimated Cost


  • Scrap Paper
  • Cardstock – or other heavy body paper


  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Permanent Marker
  • Scissors
  • If Not Using Colored Paper Scraps:
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Water
  • Paper Towels
  • Paint Palette


  1. Skip this step if using colored paper scraps. Paint scrap paper with acrylic paint to create colored paper for your collage. Create multiple pages of various colors. Set aside to dry.
  2. Roughly sketch a spring flower design onto cardstock.
  3. Tear dry collage paper into smaller pieces of various shapes and sizes.
  4. Begin collage by gluing paper scraps onto the background portion of your design, working from the back layers of the design to the front layer.
  5. Add a second layer of collage paper to your design.
  6. Continue to add layers to your collage until it is complete.
  7. When glue is dry, outline and define spring flower design with permanent marker.
  8. Use scissors to cut off excess collage scraps to tidy the edges.


Paper Collage Art Variations

  • Use colored paper to save time on this project.
  • Skip outlining or trimming paper edges to keep a more rugged design.
  • Adjust colors and themes to fit any season or holiday.

Paper Collage Art Variations

  • Use colored paper to save time on this project.
  • Skip outlining or trimming paper edges to keep a more rugged design.
  • Adjust colors and themes to fit any season or holiday.

Other Fun Recycling Art Projects from Kids Activities Blog

Did your kids enjoy creating a spring flower paper collage? What kind of papers did they recycle for this project?

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