'Shark Tank' Star Shocked by Kamala Harris' Economic Proposals

In this election as in almost all elections, “It’s the economy, stupid” applies.

Monday, while speaking with Fox Business’ Stuart Varney, “Shark Tank’s” Kevin O’Leary ripped into Kamala Harris’s economic plan, describing it as “Bidenomics 2.0.”

Investors are “shocked” by Vice President Kamala Harris’ rehash of President Biden’s economic agenda, “Shark Tank’s” Kevin O’Leary told FOX Business on Monday.

The O’Leary Ventures Chairman, also known as “Mr. Wonderful,” spoke with Stuart Varney ahead of the Democratic National Convention, sharing that he’s none too happy with the Democratic nominee’s proposed plan to implement price controls if elected.

“I’ve spoken with dozens of investors, and we’re quite shocked just from the 30,000 feet. We thought Harris was going to reboot her whole position to the middle. The idea was to get the swing voters on board with her with a middle strategy. Instead, we’re getting Bidenomics 2.0, which is a shock,” he said.

I think I see the problem. “We thought Harris was going to reboot her whole position to the middle.”

Yeah, she was never going to do that.

Mr. O’Leary was presuming the usual tactic in presidential elections. In most normal cycles, the Democrat candidate will, for example, run to the left during the primary, and then once the nomination is cinched, will tack back to more moderate positions to cement independent and moderate voters. It’s cynical and dishonest, and they all do it. 

But Kamala Harris isn’t the usual candidate. She is fundamentally a creature of the far left, and she has selected another such creature as her running mate. She isn’t savvy – or smart – enough to adopt the usual deceptive tactic, which is why she’s so open about these economic plans, disastrous as anyone with enough brains to pound sand knows they would be. She will be talking up her economic plans at the Democratic National Convention this week, and expect her to go full-bore looney.

See Related: Democrats Release Official Party Platform: It’s Both Laughable and Obscene in Its Lies 

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O’Leary went on:

“In addition to Bidenomics 2.0, if you look through the rally proposals, it’s basically the same stuff they’ve been touting for the last 36 months. You’ve got this price control, price fixing, patina on top of it, which we know doesn’t work.” 

Last Wednesday, Harris announced her intention to institute a “federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries” as president in an attempt to stop “big corporations” from taking advantage of consumers, a proposal that quickly became steeped in controversy with even mainstream media outlets questioning the logic.

By saying “steeped in controversy,” Fox Business is applying polite language to say that these proposals are the dumbest economic move since the German Papiermark. But we American voters have a few things going for us: Kamala Harris is so economically illiterate, her running mate is one of the few American politicians that could come close to challenging her in that illiteracy, and her campaign team is one of the most clueless in U.S. history – so they are just laying this crap out there, and media outlets are increasingly distancing themselves from the stupidity.

Bear in mind Harris’s economic idiocy won’t be enough to attenuate the fawning adulation of the legacy media, nor to tamp down the non-stop 24-7 hatred the legacy press harbors towards all things Trump. But plenty of American voters are smart enough to see through the bunkum; hopefully, there will be enough to prevent Kamala Harris from ever being able to try to implement any of these horrendous plans.

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