Media Propaganda Effort Goes Into Overdrive With Soviet-Style Time Magazine Cover Featuring Kamala Harris

We’re used to seeing the corporate lamestream media shamelessly shill for the Democratic Party, but sometimes even they can make your jaw drop with their blatant propaganda efforts. In the case of this nauseating Time Magazine cover and accompanying article, the fawning fangirl coverage is so over the top that you wonder if it’s actually adults who put it together and not teenagers.

Take a look at this glowing portrayal of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. As the poster of this tweet notes, did the artist get her mixed up with Tulsi Gabbard?

If you’re like many people, your first thought is, I’ve seen posters like that before. Ah, yes, in the former Soviet Union.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald didn’t feel the thrill going up his leg:

The article itself will make you cringe even more. Doesn’t this read like it was typed by an ecstatic Swiftie right after a big show?

The soundtrack suggested a Beyoncé concert. The light-up bracelets evoked the Eras Tour. And the exuberant crowd—more than 14,000 strong, lining up in the rain—resembled the early days of Barack Obama. Inside a Philadelphia arena on Aug. 6, Vice President Kamala Harris was greeted with a kind of reception a Democratic presidential candidate hasn’t gotten in years. Fans packed into overflow spaces, waving homemade signs made of glitter and glue as drumlines roared. When Harris introduced her new running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the cheering lasted more than a minute.

The article is titled, “The Reintroduction of Kamala Harris,” and like similar headlines and stories in newspapers, magazines and websites around the country, they try to depict a candidate who’s been reborn, who’s undergone a magical metamorphosis and gone from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

The rock star treatment:

NEW: Internal Tensions Roil Kamala Harris Campaign Even As Press Declares Nothing but ‘Joy’

Megyn Kelly Exposes the Fantasy Repackaging of Kamala With New Word They’re Using to Rebrand Her

But here’s the reality: Nothing about this woman has changed in the past 22 days, not her record, not her cringe-inducing mannerisms, not her lack of accomplishments as vice president—not a single thing. Yet the media is seemingly in lockstep pumping out story after story about how exciting and competent she’s suddenly become. 

Sometimes it does feel like we’re living in North Korea or the former USSR because most of the major outlets are blatant agitprop machines for the regime. By the way, I would feel equally nauseated if an outlet treated a Republican with such fawning adoration; that’s not journalism, it’s just fan fiction.

I feel like they used to at least pretend to be a little more neutral—I actually liked Time Magazine way back in the day. But then I remember: what the left touches, the left ruins.

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