#Journalism: Media Unburdens Itself With Long-Awaited Answer to Burning Question About Kamala Harris

As we’ve often said before, the mainstream media are nothing if not a predictable lot, and that has certainly been the case with their gushfest over Joe Biden’s “sacrificial” Oval Office speech on leaving the presidential race and the ascension of Kamala Harris as his replacement on the Democratic ticket.

When last we left you, we were being reliably informed by our intellectual betters that Biden’s speech “puts him with a bunch of American greats, the sort of George Washingtons of the world.” Even better, we were also assured that photos of Biden with members of his family Wednesday night including his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden, were “fascinating and really sort of illustrate the whole Biden story. Pain, ambition, resilience present in each frame.”

READ MORE–>> ‘Have a Little Self-Respect’: Corporate Media’s Reactions to Joe Biden’s Speech Were Something Else

The most important update to the evening’s events came when we were alerted that ice cream was served to staffers and members of the White House press corps after his address to the nation because Biden, as the media has often noted, loves ice cream and National Ice Cream Day was just a few days ago. Case in point (from 2021):

Truly some hard-hitting journalism right there.

Now that Biden’s no longer useful to them and has one foot out the door, the corporate press has moved on to bigger and better things, like updating us on the presumptive Democratic nominee’s fashion and food choices. We were today years old when we learned that Kamala Harris’ favorite pizza topping is… :::drumroll::: anchovies:

Wowsers. That’s a Pulitzer Prize contender right there for sure.

The “report” reminded me of the kind of on-the-scene tidbits of information we’d get out of the reporters who were traveling with Biden during his 2020 campaign, like the time in October 2020 when he bought a milkshake at a North Carolina “Cookout” location and a journo yelled out questions about what flavor he bought.

Even worse, the pizza/wardrobe tweet from this week was reminiscent of this infamous moment from Harris’ failed 2019 presidential campaign, when female reporters were oohing and aaahing over a sequined rainbow-color jacket she tried on (and bought) at a trendy South Carolina boutique:

The so-called journalists of course blamed “sexism” for the criticism of their unprofessional and biased behavior. Harris insinuated the same thing when she was asked about it shortly thereafter, saying people were upset because she had the nerve to go shopping out on the campaign trail which actually was not what people took issue with at all.

As I said at the time, the fangirling by the lady reporters betrayed what straight-news political journalism is supposed to be about: Earnest, focused coverage involving questions about the important issues that matter to Americans.

Once upon a time, a journalist focusing on the fashion choices of female candidates was viewed as demeaning to their bonafides as contenders for higher office who should be taken seriously. These days apparently it’s a rite of passage in political and journalistic circles to ask such questions, which is yet another sterling reminder of why it’s good news that the legacy media doesn’t have an information monopoly anymore.

Related–>> WATCH: ‘Merciless’ New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris’ Record Bare Has People Talking

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