HOT TAKES: California Weighs-In on a Potential Kamala Harris Presidency

People have forgotten that Vice President and potential Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has a long history in California. After then-Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown appointed Harris to her first influential position on the California Medical Assistance Commission (the job paid $72,000 a year), Harris went on to receive the anointing of the San Francisco Cabal, the elites who control Democrat political life in California (and the nation, frankly). Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the titular head. 

From there, her political career took off, first as San Francisco’s district attorney, then as Attorney General of California, then as Senator Kamala Harris, then as vice president. But Harris did lots of damage along the way, and California elected officials, along with citizens in the know, are here to unpack it. Let’s start with 2A rights. Before the egregious Governor of California Gavin Newsom and his then-Attorney General Xavier Becerra further eroded gun rights in California, Harris did her part to destroy the Second Amendment in a state that 50 years ago was still a wild frontier. The Firearms Policy Coalition wants it to be known that when it comes to gun control, a Harris presidency would be worse than Biden’s presidency.

Kamala Harris has been an evil authoritarian her entire career.  

Her policy preferences are so insane they make Joe Biden’s look moderate.  

She hates free speech and other constitutionally protected rights as much as she hates the Second Amendment.

And energy independence? As former Trump DNI Richard Grenell outlines, as California’s attorney general, Harris worked to destroy natural gas production. Harris has been fully on board with Biden on keeping America dependent on foreign energy.

Dear Pennsylvania…take it from this Californian, don’t let Kamala Harris anywhere near your energy sources.  

She’s a radical environmentalist even for California.  

Even Obama eventually read the science and agreed to fracking.  

As Attorney General, Kamala worked overtime to make sure liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals were not built throughout the entire state of California.

Kamala Harris on Energy Policy: America’s Worst Nightmares Come True

Fox News Senior Correspondent Bill Melugin is a California resident and has covered both Harris and the Southern border for quite some time. He had this information about the nation’s “Border Czar.”

Kamala Harris has previously said she supports decriminalizing illegal immigration, & in 2018 she suggested that ICE should be eliminated, saying “we probably need to think about starting from scratch.” She also pushed false BP “whipping” claim, saying it reminded her of slavery.

Here’s is one quote from Harris on the Border Patrol “whipping” scandal: 

 “What I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback, treating human beings the way they were, is horrible. And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there,” Vice President Kamala Harris said on Tuesday.

“But human beings should never be treated that way and I am deeply troubled by it,” she added.

Yet, Harris treated Black men like indentured servants, which is a small step to the left of slavery. As California Attorney General, Harris incarcerated Black and Latino men at an alarming rate, and even kept them in prison beyond their sentences, in order to use them as free labor for the state. 

When Harris was San Francisco District Attorney, the case of Jamal Truelove was a huge blight on her leadership. Truelove was on death row for a 2010 conviction for first-degree murder. Despite repeated requests, Harris’ office failed to submit DNA evidence in order for Truelove to prove his innocence and receive a stay of execution. Governor Jerry Brown overrode the decision, the DNA evidence cleared him of all charges, and Truelove was spared death. Truelove sued the city of San Francisco for wrongful prosecution and imprisonment. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors awarded him 13.1 million in order to settle the lawsuit. California taxpayer dollars had to pay for Harris’ prosecutorial malfeasance.

Harris spent 27 years enforcing laws that target Black and brown communities through mass incarceration. These laws include the “three strikes law” implemented in 1994 and the “stop and frisk” policy. As Attorney General, she advocated in court for the death penalty and jailing of parents who have kids that were truant to many times. All these policies have contributed to a drastic increase of incarcerated folks while targeting minority communities in California. 

In California, Black folks make up 6 percent of the population but make up 29 percent of the incarcerated population. Latinx people make up 39 percent of California, but 43 percent of the incarcerated population. This is simply because there is a higher rate of policing in Black and brown communities. 

A prominent argument made by both Democrats and Republicans is  somehow these communities have a “higher rate of crime.” This is a false narrative considering there have been multiple studies that show white folks are just as likely to commit crime as Black folks. Harris fell into this argument by increasing the policing during her time in California.

Harris also supported Prop. 47, which was deceptively named by its authors as the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” 

Excited for Kamala Harris as the nominee to expose CA’s shady ballot writing process.  

Though she didn’t formally endorse Prop 47, she architected its passage, turning the state into a haven for smash-and-grab criminals. 

California’s twisted version of democracy needs national sunlight.

Indeed. Right down to the actual title of Prop. 47, which the attorney general signs off on, Harris was instrumental in the deceptive tactics that prompted citizens to believe it was an innocuous prison reform measure. What the title (and the text) failed to fully disclose is that the measure would dramatically reduce DNA collection, preventing crimes—and alleged criminals like Jamal Truelove—from being cleared. Since its passage, Prop. 47 has been a blight on California citizens and small businesses, with escalation of violent crime and property theft its hallmark. The citizens are now seeking to reform it through Prop. 36, which is on the November 2024 ballot. However, Harris’ support of this original measure and her duplicity in how it was presented to the public, cannot be forgotten. This also gives insight into how she could lie and help to cover up the cognitive decline of President Joe Biden. She comes by it honestly. 

This is one among the many egregious actions that Harris employed against California citizens as its “Top Cop.” This video outlines several more.


It is apropos that the one area where Harris does not exhibit failure is in her abortion advocacy. Before Biden stepped down from his campaign, Harris gladly bounced around the country to speak about how former President Donald Trump’s appointment of three justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade took away women’s “reproductive rights.” Harris promised that the Biden administration would undo the damage and federalize abortion on demand and post-birth. 

Harris has been in the pocket of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) for decades. When Harris was California’s Attorney General, her office targeted independent and prosecuted journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit at the behest of PPFA. In 2015, Daleiden exposed that PPFA was selling aborted baby body parts. 

Planned Parenthood also sued Daleiden for recording conversations with its executives. A circuit court ordered him to pay nearly two million dollars in damages. Then, in 2016, investigators raided Daleiden’s house in California, where he still faces a pending criminal trial for the undercover recordings. Planned Parenthood, which has repeatedly confirmed under oath that what its executives were recorded saying was accurate, has never been held criminally responsible for what they admitted. In other words, those who committed the crimes go free, while the guy who caught them gets in trouble. 

California pro-life activist Lila Rose confirms these receipts.

As California AG, Kamala Harris persecuted pregnancy resource centers and pro-life journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit. 

As VP, she’s continued her crusade against pro-life Americans & the preborn. 

A Harris presidency would be disastrous for human rights.

Californians lived with Harris’ “leadership” for almost thirty years. Take it from them, a Kamala Harris presidency would be hazardous to your life and liberty, and would not support your right to pursue happiness. 

If she does become the Democrat nominee, the voices of the people damaged by her fumbling, failure, and poor leadership need to be heard, and her lengthy background and the resident bankruptcy within it, needs to be placed front and center.

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