All Work All Play Podcast

HaBO: Begins with Possible Reunion Infidelity

Help A Bitch Out
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This HaBO is from Kay, who really wants to know how this book shakes out:

It begins at a class reunion where wife has retired to a hotel room, and husband comes to the same room with a past girlfriend, who tries to seduce him. He’s ambivalent as his wife hears all this unbeknownst to the maybe lovers.

It doesn’t get better for the wife who is a teacher (husband is coach at same school). They have several children; it may have been a shotgun wedding. Coach is pretty dismissive of wife and is recruited to coach at a professional level (Football?) out of state. This requires him to move, and he is essentially separated from his wife. He does keep in touch with his children and has them visit where he is coaching. But I think he ignores the wife. Maybe he resents her for keeping him from playing in the “big time.” There are pictures of him with another woman while he coaching out of town.

I think the wife starts pulling herself together(makeover?), but is very hurt by his actions.

All this gets resolved but how and why I don’t remember, and it is driving me crazy (yes, such is my life…sigh…)

Any help would be much appreciated.

Throw the whole man away!

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