Even CNN Torches Tim Walz in Blistering Fact Check About Carrying Weapon 'In War'

How long has it been since Kamala made Minnesota Governor Tim Walz her VP nominee choice? A day? 

Already, the pick is imploding all over the place with allegations about quitting before he could be deployed to Iraq, stolen valor, and making false claims about his service. 

As we reported, Walz made comments suggesting that he’d served in war, including a comment that is getting a lot of attention because he says “those weapons of war that I carried in war.” The Kamala HQ account tweeted this, but as we pointed out, this wasn’t true: 

READ MORE: JD Vance Rightly Calls Tim Walz Out for Being a Sheep and a Coward

As Walz’s Military Record Combusts Under Casual Scrutiny, the Left Goes for Whataboutism

NEW: The Tim Walz Stolen Valor Scandal Just Got Much Worse Following Bombshell Report

VA Senate Candidate and Navy Combat Veteran Hung Cao Weighs In on Kamala’s VP Pick, Stolen Valor Tim Walz

But now, even the mainstream media is breaking it down and calling it out. 

Here’s Jim LaPorta, who’s a “verification producer” for CBS, noting he didn’t carry a weapon of war in war: 

Unless there was “war” in Italy, no, he did not carry any weapon in combat. 

Even CNN ripped apart the claim, pointing out how Walz has suggested he’s carried weapons in a fighting situation: 

CNN correspondent Tom Foreman spoke about the differences between service in a combat area, being involved in a time of war, and being in a situation where people are shooting at you. Walz was not in combat and did not serve in Iraq. There was no instance in which he was in a position where he could be shot at, and “some of his language could be easily seen to suggest that he was,” he said. “So that is absolutely false, when he said that about gun rights out there.” 

Yikes, great pick there, Kamala and Eric Holder. Couldn’t you do any vetting on this guy at all? His own men whom he served with are calling him out. This was a real failure of vetting to let this get through, and then the Kamala account posted what he claimed on top of it. 

What does this say about Harris, when this is her first big decision and it bites so badly? 

It doesn’t say much for her judgment.  And it looks like a lot of people are concerned about it, enough to look up “stolen valor.” 


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