Big Kelp Hydration: Infusing sustainability and transparency into skin care

According to a 2023 report by consumer intelligence firm NIQ, 73% of consumers prefer to buy from brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental and social responsibility. Macro Oceans, a California-based ingredient manufacturer with a mission to advance eco-friendly beauty ingredients, introduces Big Kelp Hydration—an innovative product derived from Alaska kelp.

In this CosmeticsDesign Q&A, Matthew Perkins, Founder and CEO of Macro Oceans, provides insights into the development of Big Kelp Hydration, its benefits for the skin care market, and how the company ensures its ingredient’s sustainability and traceability in the clean beauty space. 

CDU: Can you provide a brief overview of Macro Oceans and its mission in the beauty ingredient industry, particularly how it benefits manufacturers and suppliers?

Matthew Perkins (MP)​: I founded Macro Oceans in 2020 to help build a lower carbon economy. After a career in terrestrial agriculture, it seemed crazy to me that seaweed — a hyper regenerative crop — wasn’t being used to power more everyday products.

Our first product is a bioactive cosmetic ingredient made from farmed Alaska kelp. It’s an incredible bioactive ingredient that does wonders for the skin and is also truly clean and sustainable.  

CDU: What inspired the development of Big Kelp Hydration, and how does it address the current demands of the cosmetics and personal care market?

MP​: Big Kelp Hydration was inspired by the need for sustainable, high-performance hydration ingredients in the cosmetics industry and the deep academic research on the benefits of kelp polysaccharides​ for skin care. We thought the two of these together gave us the opportunity to deliver the perfect clean beauty ingredient: highly effective, traceable, and sustainable.  

CDU: How does Macro Oceans ensure traceability and transparency in the production of Big Kelp Hydration, and why is this important for manufacturers and suppliers?

MP​: Macro Oceans ensures traceability and transparency through our fully integrated supply chain. We work directly with local Alaska kelp farmers and label every bottle with the farmer’s name, location, and harvest season.

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