Biden's Brain Breaks As He Doubles Down, Threatens the GOP, Makes Things Worse for Kamala

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were in Maryland on Thursday trying to pitch the idea that they were doing things to “lower prices” for the American people. 

Did they think we would forget the last three-plus years and how their policies drove all the prices up? In addition to trying to hoodwink us, they think we are stupid too. 

I wrote about how Kamala’s remarks are so ignorant and/or bad as to be disqualifying. 

But then Biden’s comments made them worse as he doubled down on the ignorance. He couldn’t even pronounce her name correctly, calling her “Cam-ala.” 

READ MORE: Cringeworthy Kamala Disqualifies Herself With Tone-Deaf Remarks on Economy

Then there was again the random screaming, where he claims he and Kamala get how people are suffering. 

No, you don’t “get” it. If you did, you’d do something about it and not keep employing the same policies that make it worse. You wouldn’t try to deflect and blame corporations or other people for your own failures. Either you’re ignorant or you want to make things worse for the American people. 

Biden had a complete brain break, even with a teleprompter. 

“Americans don’t like being played for suckers,” Biden shouted. “We believe we should be patient…” and then he stopped, having no idea where to go next. “But there should be reasonable profits…not unreasonable…look, let me…” 

Huh? I think he was trying to talk about corporations. But it’s Biden and Harris who are trying to play us for suckers by trying to blame companies. They don’t want to fix the underlying problem of overspending, they want to try to increase government control of businesses which is moving toward Communism. 

He did get one thing accidentally right, admitting that the GOP doesn’t want to cut Medicare. 

He turned into a rambling incoherent mess. Again, he acts like a 12-year-old child. 

I don’t even know what he was trying to say here. 

But I don’t think he does either. 

Not only does he lie here about Project 2025, which has nothing to do with Trump, but then he uses that to threaten the GOP. 

“Let me tell you what our Project 2025 is. Beat the hell out of them!” 

So I have a question. According to Democratic rules, how is this not threatening violence against Trump and the rest of the GOP?  He’s saying this barely a month since the assassination attempt against Trump. How is this toning down the language? He keeps whipping it up. 

Trump used the term “bloodbath” to say what Biden’s policies would do to the auto industry. Biden and the media then claimed that was a threat. So will the media be reporting this threat from Biden? Don’t bet on it. If Trump had said this, there would be 24/7 coverage and Democrats would be calling for him to be locked up. 

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