Analysis reveals at least 15 states will consider policies that restrict and/or require disclosure of chemicals of concern in cosmetics & PCP in 2024

Safer States, a self-described alliance of diverse environmental health organizations and coalitions across the US, has released a report analyzing “anticipated state legislation addressing toxic chemicals and plastics across the country” that “suggests that PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ could be banned in more uses than ever” in state bills this year. The analysis determined that “at least 36 states will consider more than 450 bills on toxic chemical and plastics related policies” in 2024, with 35 states anticipated to introduce policies banning PFAS and addressing “toxic plastics, safe drinking water, and hazardous chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products.

For key takeaways from the Safer States analysis, we spoke to Gretchen Salter, Strategic Advisor with Safer States, and Laurie Valeriano, executive Director of Toxic-Free Future, an advocacy group focused on environmental health research and activism, for their insights.

About the analysis

Safer States 2024 analysis “provides an overview of state policies introduced in 2024, introduced in 2023 and then carried over into 2024, or are anticipated to be introduced in 2024 as of the date of publication,” Salter explained, with “some of the policies listed in the analysis [being] part of a single bill.”

To compile the analysis, she shared, “Safer States uses a bill and legislative tracking software called Quorum,” and tracked bills are then imported into our website’s bill tracker, which feeds our annual analysis.”

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