Study Reveals Where Telematics Is Growing

Video is penetrating all fleet segments, particularly trucking, due to the desire of fleet operators to determine liability in the event of an accident and for driver coaching.

C.J. Driscoll & Associates, a telematics market research and consulting services supplier, has released the 2025-26 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study.

This comprehensive study, available for purchase, concludes that approximately 25 million GPS/wireless devices and dashcams are used today to manage fleet vehicles, trailers, construction equipment, and field service workers. By 2028, the market will expand to over 34 million units, and revenues will grow to over $12 billion.

Video Telematics Leads Fleet Tech Growth Amid AI Advancements

The fastest-growing sector in commercial telematics is video telematics. Video is penetrating all fleet segments, particularly trucking, due to the desire of fleet operators to determine liability in the event of an accident and for driver coaching.

In many cases, video telematics leverages emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Edge Computing. The study identifies the major suppliers of fleet dashcams. In most instances, the units in service in the U.S. are also provided.

Significant merger and acquisition activity has been occurring as recently as late 2024, which shows the ongoing confidence of both strategic and financial investors in the near and long-term prospects for the industry. It is also due to the view that scale is essential, and smaller players may be forced to compete on price and will struggle as new technologies such as AI increase their grip on the market.

Study Analyzes Market Trends, Growth, and Key Players Through 2028

The 324-page study provides in-depth information on each major MRM market segment, including the markets for GPS fleet management solutions for local service and delivery, long haul trucking, government, and other fleet segments. The markets for connected dashcams and field service management are also examined, along with those for monitoring trailers, containers, and heavy construction equipment.

The study assesses the current market penetration of commercial telematics systems and services and projects annual growth through 2028 in major market segments. Detailed profiles are provided on over 100 MRM/telematics solutions suppliers, including their target markets, key features, installed base, and pricing.

Churn in the Telematics Industry 

Clem Driscoll, principal at C.J. Driscoll & Associates and producer of the study, said that there is still opportunity for telematics penetration in smaller fleets and passenger vehicle fleets. But while the market isn’t saturated, it depends on conquest sales. 

“Most telematics service providers (TSPs) are surviving or growing by taking business from other TSPs,” Driscoll told Automotive Fleet.

According to Driscoll’s research, fleets using telematics solutions shift to another provider about every four to four-and-a-half years. What is the industry’s biggest revenue driver today? Not surprisingly, “Video telematics,” Driscoll said. “It’s what is saving the industry from stagnation right now.”

For additional information concerning the 2025-26 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, contact C.J. Driscoll & Associates.

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